Custom LED Signs | Full-Color & Monochrome Electronic Signage | Digital Billboards
Electronic Signs
Built, Installed and Serviced, in Texas, by us!
Factory-Direct, Local, Single-Source Responsibility. No excuses!
A Better Sign and Better Pricing, too.
"Listed" for Outdoor, Wet-Location Installation Anywhere Else in the World, too.
TURN-KEY! LED Signs and Electronic Signage
Guaranteed Highest Quality...Guaranteed Lowest Price™ |
There are 3 different designs of LED Signs manufactured;
Classic™ Pixel-cluster design,
Balanced Array™, and
SMD™ technology.
Which one is best? It depends.
We not only manufacture all 3 designs, we explain to you the differences, help you decide which is best for your specific needs, and let you see for yourself in our Showroom.
Don't buy your sign until you know you're buying the right one! Your LED sign should help your business grow, but not all LED signs (or LED sign manufacturers) are the same.
Sunburst LED Signs™ - What Makes Our Electronic Signs Unique
The Special Features and Benefits of all Sunburst LED Signs™
- Turn-Key™ Full-Service Sign Company – We not only manufacture, we install and service all our signs. We are the only LED Sign manufacturer IN THE WORLD to do this. Single-source responsibility.
- All our Digital LED Signs are approved for WET (outdoor location) use, by an OSHA approved testing agency – This is the highest possible environmental suitability rating.
LongLife™ SolarBrite™ Targeted Light™ Large LED System – A brighter sign with exceptional viewing angles.
- Pole, Monument or Wall - Digital billboards or monument LED signs or even wall mounted LED signs.
- Balanced Array LED Full Color Sign - An option for better looking graphics.
- Classic Series Pixel LED Full-Color Sign - An option for better looking text.
- SMD Enclosed-LED Full-Color Sign - Emerging Surface-Mount-Device technology.
- Balanced Array Exposed-LED Monochrome Sign - A better looking monochrome sign.
Internal DSMP Processor - Not a computer with all the associated problems they create.
- Open Architecture Programming Software - Proprietary is Bad, Cloud is Bad (usually, see below), Open Architecture Software is Good.
- Both Superior and Enhanced Operating Modes - Lets the sign owner decide which display "look" is best for them.
- Redundant (Backup) Systems - Half the downtime of other LED sign brands.
- Self-Monitoring and Remote Servicing – Both capabilities of all our signs.
- Text, Graphics, Text-over-Image, Fonts, Clip-Art, Pre-Programmed Video, Video, Animation, Slide-Shows, Time, Temperature, Sound - Absolute versatility.
- 64 GB Non-Volatile Memory - This sign will run, and do, whatever you want it to do - every time.
- Impact-Resistant, Flame-Proof, UV-Protected Sign Faces and Glare Shields - A Better, Safer, Longer-Lasting sign.
- Individual Glare Shields - A sign you can read during the day.
- FREE Laptop Computer - Our gift to you. -or-
- FREE Wireless Communication Bridge - For cloud-based programming over your existing internet connection.
- Pre-Programmed - No learning curve.
- SignProgrammer™ CMS Programming – No learning curve.
- Quadruple Connection Options – NOT Internet and/or Cloud-dependent to program.
- Sunsational™ Engineering - Each sign is custom-designed for optimum daylight performance also.
- Structural Steel Frames with aluminium Exterior Skins - No rust and lasts forever. Virtually Hail-proof.
- NASA Ceramic Vacuum Microsphere Exterior Coating - Temperature protection for the sign.
- Signlux Paint Systems Automotive+ paints and 2 part primer system - The same exterior paint type they paint a Ferrari with. It looks new virtually forever, helping your business.
- SolarGuard and Lumabrite Protected Plastics - Won't fade and look bad to customers.
- Self-Cleaning Sign Faces - Your sign never looks dirty and dingy, chasing potential customers away.
- Redundant Grid Wiring System – Electronic grid system increases reliability.
- US Military Specification Electrical Insulating Coating - Protects all interior electronics and electrics.
- H2ORepel Waterproof Interior Coating - Double+ protects all interior electronics, electrics and wiring.
- Energy Saving Electrical - Saves 35% or more of electricity costs.
- Thermostat-controlled Power Ventilation - Saves maintenance costs while saving energy costs.
- UL/ETL Listed Sign - This sign Can be legally installed anywhere, and moved anywhere at a later time. Requires much less electrical service than an unlisted sign.
Special Features and Benefits of doing business with Signs Manufacturing
- Guaranteed Highest Quality...Guaranteed Lowest Price - We manufacture the best signs, for the lowest price.
- Sign Showroom –
Don’t buy a sign from a drawing, photo-shopped pictures, or a slick website when you can see and compare the real thing.
5 Year $0 Cost Warranty and Lifetime Guarantees - The strongest guarantees and warranties in the sign industry.
- Product Liability Insurance - Protects you and your customers forever.
- Deposit Insurance - Your money is protected even if we were to default.
- Established 1979 and the Largest Custom Sign Company in North Texas – We back our claims.
- Exclusive Automatic Updates System - Keeps our customers informed, so they know where their sign is in production, when the permits were approved and when the sign is scheduled for install.
State Licensed Electrical Sign Contractor - We know our business and do our job.
- State Licensed Electrical Contractor - We know electricity.
- Trained QualityCertifiedSigns Technicians - We understand quality.
- We Actually Manufacture the Signs - Single-source responsibility.
- Full-Service Sign Company - We manufacture, install, and service all signs; ours and others. Seven cranes/bucket trucks to 80' reach. Seven installation/service crews.
Eleven Person Your-Location Sales Team – At your location to help you anytime we are needed.
- Electronic LED Sign Experts - Because we manufacture them, we also know how to fix them all.
- Many Different Payment Options - Cash, Credit Card, Conserve Your Nest Egg, Signs on Time Lease (with Zero Down option) and Pay as You Grow Lease/Purchase
- Delayed-Deposit Billing - Significantly reduced initial billing to help you control your cash-flow.
- Grand Opening Package* - We want you to be successful; here's another way we're helping. A free "Coming Soon" and "Grand Opening" banner with your name on it, and free "store" hours lettered on your door. *Minimum order required.
Signs Manufacturing's Your-Location Sales Team's Personalized Service
No matter what types of signs you are interested in, our sales team, consisting of 11 highly-trained factory-employed individuals, is at your beck and call.
Let us meet with you in your office, or at your new signs location, or home, or anywhere.
You will probably have a firm quotation for what you want during our meeting; certainly no more than a day later.
There are 19 questions you must have answers to before investing in signs. Questions not about the signs themselves, but about how the signs will be perceived, and how long they will take to pay for themselves. Our sales team will bring you a COMPLIMENTARY PROFESSIONAL MARKET SURVEY of your new signage locations. Click on the "Sign Market Research" tab to the left for details.
Visit Our Unique LED Sign Lighting Laboratory and LED Message Board Demonstration Showroom
Buy your new sign while maintaining Social Distancing guidelines.
We have many options to help design your new look, from collaborating remotely (from your own home) to our Design Room large enough to maintain Social Distancing.
Our showroom is open and sanitized so you can safely review the different options available for your new signage if you would like to see them for yourself.
Now with Live Showroom Demonstrations
Products that Improve Your Signs
Unique in the entire sign industry, Sunburst Displays™ built an 85’ by 50’ (over 4,000 sq ft) indoor sign lighting laboratory for testing the longevity, visibility, and effectiveness of all the lighted signs we manufacture.
Click on the "Showroom" tab on the left for more details.
We have opened our laboratory to the public, for FREE, adding an LED Video Display Showroom because we realized how important one would be to consumers.
You must determine which display type and LED spacing is best, so that your sign will be successful, considering how you will use it. Therefore, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12mm, 16mm and 19mm 4+billion-color exposed-LED Balanced Array™, exposed-LED Classic™ pixel-cluster signs, and SMD enclosed-LED Signs are always available for you to compare to monotone message centers and monochrome 4-thousand-shade display signs.
We also display a see-thru curtain-wall display sign, and a curved LED display sign.
Also on display is an economical fixed-message Full-color LED Message Center, and a fully self-contained, self-powered portable LED Sign trailer, the LED Sled™.
Don't buy a sign from a drawing, a slick website, or photo-shopped pictures, when you can actually see and compare real signs.
No one else, sign company or not, can offer you this unique opportunity. Be sure to take advantage.
"I almost made a huge mistake by not listening to you and visiting your showroom prior to buying my sign. I thought I knew what I wanted, after listening to so many salespeople...boy, was I wrong. My vision of the sign did not jibe with what it would really turn out to be, even after viewing so many drawings. It was obvious the moment I entered the showroom. If I had stuck to my guns my sign would have been a disaster. I would have wasted a lot of money."
Cecil Drake, Drake Communications
With the addition of interactive DIGITAL LED SIGNAGE AND DEMONSTRATIONS our Showroom contains over $500,000 in business sign ideas alone, not to mention signs for churches and schools! |
Showroom Specials
Sometimes it really pays to shop.
As an additional enticement to coax you into our showroom, and also smooth our manufacturing flow, we periodically have limited Specials only available "in-store;" even unannounced to our sales team.
They are based on opportunities in our production scheduling. If we tell our salespeople in advance they collectively sell too many, causing other problems!
Specials are always for a specific type of custom-built sign with a large variety of available options, but a very limited quantity, and first-come-first-served.
Free! On-Site Demonstrations
Arrange an on-site demonstration today! Demonstrations are available in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and all of North Texas.
View first-hand the importance of everything we discuss on the pages that follow.
Free! Factory Tour
Come and see the array of equipment and tools, and the facility dedicated to making good signs.
Contact a sales consultant to arrange a plant tour.
Visit our four-building production "campus" consisting of two sets of joined buildings. (2018 commercial drone photo.)
We welcome like-for-like comparisons. If you have another quote, visit their facility and see how they operate. Then come see how we do it. We know you will be impressed with everything that we do for you! If nothing else, "Google" both production facilities addresses to see the size of each operation.
Our Dallas Office, Showroom, Shipping and Mailing address is 4610 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236.
Our Dallas sign Factory addresses are 4540, 4550, and 4560 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236.
Our Building #5 Installation & Service Annex address is 4424 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236.
You will find that many of our competitors (some with very slick looking websites) are presenting themselves as full-service companies but in reality they are only brokers, marking up somebody else's product then reselling it to you; they are a sign store. Many even have no way to actually install a sign themselves. And once you buy it from them they offer no service.
We install and service what we manufacture and sell. Just our Installation and Service Annex is larger than most other sign companies.
"Signs Manufacturing & (Maintenance) has a BuildZoom score of 127, which places them above 99% of 222,249 contractors (contractors of all trades) in Texas." - BuildZoom
Using Our Website to Learn | The Knowledge Tree™
Your sign forms that very important "first impression" your potential customer has of your business. Your sign must always look nearly as good as it looked the day it was installed so that you don't give potential customers a worsening impression of your business as your sign ages.
An example of our dedication to helping our customers succeed is this website. It IS the definitive source on signage information, ranked by Alexa® in the top 0.05% of ALL websites in the world, the top 0.01% in the USA!
We call our website The Knowledge Tree™. Online since 1999, this website is full of information regarding signs. Our database to create it requires over 8,000 pages; more information than some "encyclopedias."
The website tells you how we manufacture our signage, and why.
Knowledge Tree™ links are on the left side of every page. For instance, click our "Sign Details" button, then pick any of our products features, and explore that page's tabs and discover how we make each sign to last; including the use of CNC manufacturing, rust-proof metal, structural-steel frames, high-end automotive paint, high-impact plastics, and most importantly, sophisticated protective coatings. View our Construction Details page to learn more about these features.
Sunburst Displays™ uses SolarBrite™ LEDs exclusively to manufacture Sunburst Displays™. Our LED Technology page explains why.
Go to our "About Us" page and select tabs to learn about the history of Signs Manufacturing, and many other subjects.
With an electronic message center you are leaving your computer out in the Texas rain, ice, heat and cold, and tornados and hurricane-force winds are trying to blow it away. Sunburst Displays™ are Built in Texas, for Texans, by us.™
But, it takes more than purchasing an excellent sign for your success. It must be installed properly, and someday in the far future hopefully, it will need to be serviced. This is why it will be important to you that WE manufacture, install and service your LED electronic message centers!
Please use and enjoy this 550+ page website, the largest information resource about electronic message centers on the internet, in conjunction with our Corporate website, created so you can learn about all types of signs and how you can control their affect on your image.
We believe that if you're a knowledgeable purchaser there's a real good chance you'll become our customer.
"We are buying our next digital signs from you. It is too much effort and money to keep up with a low quality sign." - Myles Pennington II, Trinity Valley Community College
Guaranteed Highest Quality ... Guaranteed Lowest Price™
As detailed on the pages that follow, everything will be done to make your sign look better, and last longer...Guaranteed.
Sunburst LED Signs™ also guarantees that our price will be the lowest price you can obtain on the products described in this website; now or anytime during the next 90 days.
If you are offered a lower price by someone else we will match that lower price PLUS give you 10% of the difference.
Guaranteed Strongest Guarantee ... plus a Lifetime* Warranty™
These are the strongest guarantees ands warranties in the sign industry.
We provide our customers protection that lasts forever!
Cost and Pricing Information
USA TODAY Newspaper says about the cost of signs. "Click" on their logo above. |
Sold wholesale FACTORY-DIRECT to our customers.
Notice, too, how dealing directly with us, the manufacturer, will save you additional thousands of dollars in sales/use taxes!
The detailed construction and installation information below, and on tabs to the left of the "Types" page , is very important in developing a sign that will accomplish your goals.
Please contact us to develop an exact plan to meet your particular needs - for free (see our "Design Center" page.)
Our professional staff will usually have exact quotations, and exact scale drawings of your signs installed on your building or property ready for you the same day we meet with you. (Much faster than the 2 1/2 week average in our industry.)
If you are planning for the future, please bookmark our website as a "Favorite" so you can find us when you are ready.
Why Buy Factory-Direct, and from a State-Licensed Company?
Why not buy from a Sign Dealer (also called a Sign Broker or a Sign Store?) There are literally hundreds of them.
Would you give a car dealer $10,000 and tell him to buy you the best car he can for the money, sight unseen (or from a drawing?) Don't you think you would get the car that made him the most?
Do you think you could meet your needs asking for the cheapest car he can buy?
Why would a sign dealer (sign broker or sign store) be any different? Remember, they are merely buying a sign from a manufacturer, maybe foreign, to resell to you, usually to resemble a drawing, making the most money they can.
You need to know ALL of the details on how your sign will be manufactured, and how it will be installed. It needs to meet YOUR needs, not the seller's profit goals. What is he telling the manufacturer you don't need so he can make more money?
Believing "...a sign is a sign" gets you a Yugo instead of a Cadillac. Remember the Yugo? They didn't last very long, either.
Also, most sign dealers, sign brokers and sign stores cannot legally install or service an electric sign. Ask to see their license.
Ask to see a manufacturer's license also. A few are not licensed to do electrical work, either, they also have to hire other companies to install the signs they make.
Now, who provides the warranty? The manufacturer, the installer, the salesman, anyone? If the sign was installed illegally do you think they'll honor their warranty? Did they REALLY obtain your City sign permit? Is the sign even safe?
As a large, UL listed manufacturer, our name is on all our signs. Just like you, we can't afford to have a bad sign destroy our reputation. We have to care, particularly with our LIFETIME* warranty.
If you wonder if a sign-seller can legally install and service electrical signs through-out Texas go to THIS LINK, enter "Electricians" in the "Inquire by License Type" box and the name of the sign business or person in the "Inquire by Name" box. If they are not licensed they can not.
So someone can sell you signs and not be licensed to install or service them. You may have to have this done. But unless the electrical signs you buy are "listed" (U.L. usually) they won't be allowed to be installed in Texas, a State of Texas Consumer Protection Safety Law designed to insure that signs are safe to use, with a few local city ordinance exceptions. It is not illegal to sell them to you, however. Buy carefully.
The State of Texas does NOT allow the installation on non-Listed electrical signs, and a Texas Sign Contractors License (TSCL) is not evidence of an OSHA approved Listing for electrical signs. Additional approvals are required.
"I had a ****-a-**** (sign company) right across the street … that store's out of business now … I found out they hired some other company to build and install our sign and they did a really #@%&&$ job, the thing has never lit right. ****-a-**** Corporate won't do anything, they say the closed store was an independent franchise, and the sign builder/installer won't fix it, they say we weren't their customer. I need you to come out, tell me what it will cost to get the thing working properly and get it fixed." - Chris Jennings, Jimmy Johns
Why are “Listed" Signs Critical to You?
Virtually ALL cities, as well as the State of Texas, adopt the National Electric Code as law.
The National Electric Code (NEC) requires that for electrical, structural, and installation safety all electrical signs be "Listed" (tested and labelled with an appropriate Listing Mark.)
Certification (testing and labelling) organizations acceptable in the USA to test to the multitude of Standards signs are required to meet are determined by OSHA.
For you the Listing Mark is insurance. It means that the sign has been tested to insure that it is structurally and electrically safe, and will be installed properly. You benefit from the knowledge that it is not solely us telling you that our signs are safe, this is what the testing laboratories and the US Government says also.
Will your sign be tested and approved for safe use in a Wet (Outdoor) location? Not if it’s not Listed!
Underwriters Laboratories (“UL” Listing Mark) and Intertek (“ETL” Listing Mark – originally Edison Testing Laboratory founded by Thomas Edison) are the premier certification organizations and 80% of all things electrical are tested by them.
If the sign you are purchasing does not have a ETL or UL Listing Mark label the sign is probably not legal to install, anywhere in Texas. If your city rejects your sign after it is installed, what do you do?
Do you think a bandit sign company, manufacturing and installing illegal signs, will stand behind you? Worse, because the sign is illegal they probably tried to put it up without a City Sign Permit. Now the city can shut-down your business.
Buy carefully.
Intertek is over twice the size of UL, and has a greater global presence. UL is the largest in the USA. We have both companies test and apply Listing Marks to various signs.
Whether it's channel letters, a wall cabinet sign, a monument sign, pole or pylon signs, electronic message centers, video displays, neon or other electric signs Intertek and Underwriter’s Laboratory pose the toughest design, structural, electrical, and installation standards on the products they approve.
We are the 9th oldest UL Listed Manufacturer in North Texas. (File #UXYT.E149959)
To see if a manufacturer is a UL Listed electronic sign manufacturer go to THIS LINK and enter "UYFS" in the "UL Category Code" box, replacing "%ccn%".
To see if a manufacturer is an ETL Listed sign manufacturer go to THIS LINK and enter "UL-48" in the search box.
We are the third oldest ETL Listed sign company in Texas. ( File #4007685) (One of the two older companies makes lighted scoreboards, the other makes lighted office door signs.)
There are many sign companies that pretend to be Listed, but are not!
Incidentally, ISO (International Organization of Standardization) Standards, such as ISO 9001, are NOT electrical Listings (similar to a UL or ETL Listing) that allow a sign to be installed in Texas. That said, components in our electronic signs also meet ISO 9001 and 2008 standards.
Underwriter’s Laboratory and Intertek do NOT judge the appearance, appeal, or the longevity of a product. This is why our many years of experience serving international, national, regional and local customers, and our investment so that we can apply the knowledge we’ve gained, will give you a superior product which will impress your customers for years to come.
State Licensed Sign Installation and Sign Service
We are a full-service sign company. We provide sign site surveys, sign permits, sign installation and sign maintenance services for electrical and non-electrical signs for our customers as well as other sign companies. We provide this work in Dallas, Fort Worth (DFW), and ALL of North Texas and Northeast Texas.
State Sign and Electrical License Numbers: TECL17503, TSCL18015, TSCL18016.
Our technicians are also Quality Certified Signs™ certified. (Click the "Installation & Service" tab for details.)
Serving Collin, Cook, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Franklin, Grayson, Henderson, Hill, Hood, Hopkins, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Lamar, Navarro, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Tarrant, Titus, Van Zandt, Wood, and Wise Counties in Texas.
We also have signs in 43 different states, and 6 other nations.
FREE Advertising
Want to be seen on our SignDawgsTV™ Show?
Season 8 of the reality TV documentary series about Signs Manufacturing™ featuring the signage we create, and the customers we serve in the DFW Metroplex area of North Texas, is currently being filmed.
Co-star with William, James, Robert, and the whole SignDawgs™ crew. Every business ever featured on SignDawgsTV™ continues to operate successfully. If your business, church, or school, are interested in appearing in this project be sure to tell your salesperson so we can immediately arrange for the producers to contact you.
SignDawgsTV™ is one of YouTube's most successful series, with 2,000,000+ viewers (we've officially gone viral+.) Older episodes continue to be viewed over-and-over.
This could be valuable free advertising for you.
SignDawgsTV™ debuts bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm.
You can view all SignDawgsTV™ episodes @
Ask if you would like to tour the Sea King Productions™ Studio Building.
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Guaranteed Highest Quality . . . Guaranteed Lowest Price™ |
Sales Team:
Based on 150+ Google® reviews.
Business hours are 07.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (Central Time)
or by Appointment
Emergency Service Available 24/7
Office hours are 08.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Showroom hours are by Appointment
Factory Tours by Appointment
TV Studio Tours by Appointment
Copyright © 1979-2025 Signs Manufacturing Corporation™ - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED